program CountingBits; #include( "stdlib.hhf" ); // bitCount- // // Counts the number of "1" bits in a dword value. // This function expects the dword value in EAX. procedure bitCount; returns( "eax" ); noframe; nodisplay; const EveryOtherBit := $5555_5555; EveryAlternatePair := $3333_3333; EvenNibbles := $0f0f_0f0f; begin bitCount; push( edx ); mov( eax, edx ); // Compute sum of each pair of bits // in EAX. The algorithm treats // each pair of bits in EAX as a two // bit number and calculates the // number of bits as follows (description // is for bits zero and one, it generalizes // to each pair): // // EDX = BIT1 BIT0 // EAX = 0 BIT1 // // EDX-EAX = 00 if both bits were zero. // 01 if Bit0=1 and Bit1=0. // 01 if Bit0=0 and Bit1=1. // 10 if Bit0=1 and Bit1=1. // // Note that the result is left in EDX. shr( 1, eax ); and( EveryOtherBit, eax ); sub( eax, edx ); // Now sum up the groups of two bits to // produces sums of four bits. This works // as follows: // // EDX = bits 2,3, 6,7, 10,11, 14,15, ..., 30,31 // in bit positions 0,1, 4,5, ..., 28,29 with // zeros in the other positions. // // EAX = bits 0,1, 4,5, 8,9, ... 28,29 with zeros // in the other positions. // // EDX+EAX produces the sums of these pairs of bits. // The sums consume bits 0,1,2, 4,5,6, 8,9,10, ... 28,29,30 // in EAX with the remaining bits all containing zero. mov( edx, eax ); shr( 2, edx ); and( EveryAlternatePair, eax ); and( EveryAlternatePair, edx ); add( edx, eax ); // Now compute the sums of the even and odd nibbles in the // number. Since bits 3, 7, 11, etc. in EAX all contain // zero from the above calcuation, we don't need to AND // anything first, just shift and add the two values. // This computes the sum of the bits in the four bytes // as four separate value in EAX (AL contains number of // bits in original AL, AH contains number of bits in // original AH, etc.) mov( eax, edx ); shr( 4, eax ); add( edx, eax ); and( EvenNibbles, eax ); // Now for the tricky part. // We want to compute the sum of the four bytes // and return the result in EAX. The following // multiplication achieves this. It works // as follows: // (1) the $01 component leaves bits 24..31 // in bits 24..31. // // (2) the $100 component adds bits 17..23 // into bits 24..31. // // (3) the $1_0000 component adds bits 8..15 // into bits 24..31. // // (4) the $1000_0000 component adds bits 0..7 // into bits 24..31. // // Bits 0..23 are filled with garbage, but bits // 24..31 contain the actual sum of the bits // in EAX's original value. The SHR instruction // moves this value into bits 0..7 and zeroes // out the H.O. bits of EAX. intmul( $0101_0101, eax ); shr( 24, eax ); pop( edx ); ret(); end bitCount; begin CountingBits; mov( 32, ecx ); mov( 0, ebx ); repeat mov( ebx, eax ); bitCount(); stdout.put ( "# of bits in $", ebx, " is ", (type uns32 eax), nl ); stc(); rcl( 1, ebx ); dec( ecx ); until( @z ); end CountingBits;