Chapter 20 - The PC Keyboard
20.1 - Keyboard Basics
20.2 - The Keyboard Hardware Interface
20.3 - The Keyboard DOS Interface
20.4 - The Keyboard BIOS Interface
20.5 - The Keyboard Interrupt Service Routine
20.6 - Patching into the INT 9 Interrupt Service Routine
20.7 - Simulating Keystrokes
20.7.1 - Stuffing Characters in the Type Ahead Buffer
20.7.2 - Using the 80x86 Trace Flag to Simulate IN AL, 60H Instructions
20.7.3 - Using the 8042 Microcontroller to Simulate Keystrokes

20.8 Summary

Chapter 21 - The PC Parallel Ports
21.1 - Basic Parallel Port Information
21.2 - The Parallel Port Hardware
21.3 - Controlling a Printer Through the Parallel Port
21.3.1 - Printing via DOS
21.3.2 - Printing via BIOS
21.3.3 - An INT 17h Interrupt Service Routine
21.4 - Inter-Computer Communications on the Parallel Port

21.5 Summary

Chapter 22 - The PC Serial Ports
22.1 - The 8250 Serial Communications Chip
22.1.1 - The Data Register (Transmit/Receive Register)
22.1.2 - The Interrupt Enable Register (IER)
22.1.3 - The Baud Rate Divisor
22.1.4 - The Interrupt Identification Register (IIR)
22.1.5 - The Line Control Register
22.1.6 - The Modem Control Register
22.1.7 - The Line Status Register (LSR)
22.1.8 - The Modem Status Register (MSR)
22.1.9 - The Auxiliary Input Register
22.2 - The UCR Standard Library Serial Communications Support Routines
22.3 - Programming the 8250 (Examples from the Standard Library)

22.4 Summary

Chapter 23 - The PC Video Display
23.1 - Memory Mapped Video
23.2 - The Video Attribute Byte
23.3 - Programming the Text Display

23.4 Summary

Chapter 24 - The PC Game Adapter
24.1 - Typical Game Devices
24.2 - The Game Adapter Hardware
24.3 - Using BIOS' Game I/O Functions
24.4 - Writing Your Own Game I/O Routines
24.5 - The Standard Game Device Interface (SGDI)
24.5.1 - Application Programmer's Interface (API)
24.5.2 - Read4Sw
24.5.3 - Read4Pots:
24.5.4 - ReadPot
24.5.5 - Read4:
24.5.6 - CalibratePot
24.5.7 - TestPotCalibration
24.5.8 - ReadRaw
24.5.9 - ReadSwitch
24.5.10 - Read16Sw
24.5.11 - Remove
24.5.12 - TestPresence
24.5.13 - An SGDI Driver for the Standard Game Adapter Card
24.6 - An SGDI Driver for the CH Products' Flight Stick Pro'
24.7 - Patching Existing Games

24.8 Summary